"May food be thy medicine." -Hippocrates. To bring you hope. To bring you knowledge. To bring you the truth." Change in our lives is inevitable, if we want to live longer, healthier and happier lives. In this forum I, with your help, will make the attempt to share and provide inspiration and education to help you achieve just that. But like the saying goes: "I can only bring the horse to the water. It must decide to drink all by itself."
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Healthy Cooking Event in September
I hope you had an awesome weekend. Could of been a day longer, couldn't it? Well new great stuff is comin' up:
Like Linda Pool's & Chef Mike's "Healthy Cooking Class" ;-)
When: Tuesday September 1st @ 6:30 pm @ the Edge.
It's only 15 bucks a pop and the food is phenomenal. Call Edge concierge to make reservations today - 480.584.4647. Only ten tickets and they fill up fast.
Sign up for the latest & greatest in healthy food news @ http://sn.im/hcook
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
ABC 7: Newborns Tested For Toxins
Many of these toxins are taken in by ourselves during decades of eating highly processed and packaged toxic food. Convenience and price is now taking it's toll. Make a choice, make a change.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Healthy Schools Campaign
Dear HSC Friend:
When you go to school, what do you see?
HSC pleased to announce the Through Your Lens photo and essay contest – an opportunity to show Congress what our schools really look like.
From Aug 18 - Sept 14, you can submit photos and stories to highlight what’s great and what’s not great about your school building.
Your perspective will inform a national debate as Congress considers legislation for school building repair, modernization and construction.
Photos and stories will be shown at a special exhibition in Washington, DC and many more entries will be published in a Through Your Lens book and online gallery. Five student winners will also receive a Vado pocket camcorder from Creative Labs.
Please take a moment to show the world what you see at school every day.
Many thanks -
Mark Bishop
Deputy Director
Help promote: http://www.throughyourlens.org/promote.php
Enter the contest: http://www.healthyschoolscampaign.org/getinvolved/action/yourlens
175 N. Franklin, Suite 300 | Chicago, IL 60606 | T 312.419.1810 | F 312.419.1806